Stake Land Review

A post apocalyptic daydream is a wonderful thing. Imagining yourself wandering around the city you’ve known so well after some disaster that’s picked off every man, woman and terrier you’ve ever kissed, fucked or stroked. Not necessarily accordingly.

Countdown To Zero Review

A convenient half truth.

Despite the fanfare and no doubt good intentions, Countdown To Zero is little more than some poorly constructed and ludicrously heavy handed american propaganda.

The Beaver Review

From the graphically violent flagellation of Jesus, to the Mayan ritual human sacrifices in honour of the sun god Kukulkan through to the shameless sodomisation of a helpless puppet; it seems there’s nothing Mel Gibson won’t turn his hand to.

The Hangover Part II Review

From Newton’s three laws of motion to Einstein’s theory of relativity, scientific formulas have helped shape humanity into the world we have today.

These magic little equations of truth have facilitated our civilisation’s evolution from the dark ages to, well, not quite enlightenment; but at least we’re not still burning witches at the stake, torturing heretics for blasphemy or worshipping rotting cadavers on crucifixes.

Julia’s Eyes Review

It’s what you don’t see.

That’s what always makes a horror film scary to me, what the director doesn’t show you, so you can fill in the blanks yourself with whatever it is you’re most afraid of.

Dates ‘n stuff

April 2024