Gabby Young: The Band Called Out For More Review

And the fans called out for more.

At least that’s how I imagine most Gabby Young followers feel when her debut album We’re All In This Together finishes.

Gabby Young Interview

Operatic chanteuse and talented songwriter Gabby Young, along with her very well behaved and beautifully preened Other Animals, wowed the critics with her debut album We’re All In This Together back in 2009.

Now there’s a brand new Gabby Young And Other Animals record, The Band Called Out For More, out next week and the stylish singer spoke with Soundbite Culture about her new album, those outrageous costumes of hers and, ah, knitting…

Gabby Young And Other Animals At Koko

Jonathan Campbell reminisces about his first time with Gabby Young and Other Animals during their latest London gig at Koko.

Gabby Young and Other Animals At The Tamesis Dock

Just whose boat are you on?

That’s the question Gabby Young tosses out to an exuberant crowd on board a barge in the middle of the Thames.

And whilst the legal ownership of this vessel come nautical venue probably lies with some savvy businessman, it’s no doubt who owns the joint tonight.

Gabby Young And Other Animals: We’re All In This Together Review

If you went down to the woods today, I wouldn’t be at all surprised should you find Gabby Young And Other Animals providing musical entertainment for their fellow woodland creatures.

Either that or they’ll be breaking bread with their animal brethren.

Dates ‘n stuff

July 2024