Rebecca Review

I’ve never seen Hitchcock’s adaptation of Rebecca, but I am a fan of director Ben Wheatley’s work – so I was excited to see what he’d do with what a very un-Ben-Wheatley film.
Yesterday Review

Yesterday unites two masters of their crafts – Danny Boyle’s directing and Richard Curtis’ writing – with a Beatles soundtrack. Imagine that.
Darkest Hour Blu-ray Review

As an Irishman, my knowledge of Winston Churchill is limited to his famous quote about the Irish being a bit odd as they refuse to be English. Fortunately for me, Joe Wright’s latest film – Darkest Hour – is on hand to shed some more light on the man.
Baby Driver Review

Now the world don’t move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you, may not be right for some. Writer and director Edgar Wright is one guy moves to the beat of his own drum, as does his ridiculously cool new film Baby Driver.