Knight Of Cups Review

Why so literal? Reviews have not been good for Terrence Malick’s Knight of Cups, but that reveals more about said reviewers than the Canadian auteur’s latest film.
The Expendables 3 Review

The Expendables 3 is smart enough to leave its formula well alone and continue in the same vein as its predecessors – with added star power from previous instalments.
Machete Kills Review

“Machete kills, that’s what he does”, so says Charlie Sheen’s president in Robert Rodriguez’s new film, ah, Machete Kills.
I’m So Excited Review

Pedro Almodovar returns to the big screen with I’m So Excited, a camp airplane romp with cameos from some famous faces. But is there more to this a first glance would suggest?
Ruby Sparks Review

If the person of your dreams fell into your life, would it be everything you thought it’d be? That’s the enticing premise explored in Ruby Sparks.