Live By Night Blu-ray Review

Ben Affleck’s new movie, Live By Night, opens with a voice-over and a pretty dense prologue. So, a literary adaptation, in case that didn’t give it away.
Star Trek Beyond Review

To boldly go, where no-one has gone before. That’s always been a favourite soundbite of Captain Kirk and co, so it’s a shame that Star Trek Beyond doesn’t try to live up to this noble sentiment.
Guardians Of The Galaxy Review

Even before watching Guardians Of The Galaxy, director James Gunn’s name was already familiar to me, though I couldn’t remember why.
Star Trek: Into Darkness Review

J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek: Into Darkness is about to take off, but it seems like the Damon Lindelof and co would rather look to the past then boldly go where no Star Trek film has gone before.
Star Trek: Into Darkness Official Trailer
The new trailer for Star Trek: Into Darkness, officially the hottest film not yet on this planet, has arrived. So I’m gonna stop with my jibber jabber now, as no-one’s reading past that first sentence.