The Informer Review

For me, the word informer only ever conjures up one thing. Alas, The Informer isn’t a documentary on how some second generation Irish immigrant cornered the white boy reggae market.
Mid90s Blu-ray Review

Jonah Hill’s directorial debut Mid90s is about so much more than the middle of the, ah, nineties.
Hail Satan Review

I was a teenage satanist… well, not exactly, but being the only person at school who wore an Iron Maiden t-shirt and had long hair certainly drew the satanist accusation from my peers. Which makes me the perfect person to review Hail Satan!
In Bruges Blu-ray Review

If the idea of Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes playing a trio of foul mouthed hitmen shooting up Bruges puts a smile on your face, then Martin McDonagh’s In Bruges is the film for you.
Blinded By The Light Review

You can’t start a fire without a spark. That’s just good science. For Javed – who dreams of escaping his dreary hometown of Luton and becoming a writer – that spark is Bruce Springsteen, as we discover in Blinded By The Light.