War On Everyone Review

When you watch as many films as I do, you get into the habit of learning as little as you can before seeing them. Having seen War On Everyone, I’m considering revising my approach.
Ant-Man Review

Having exhausted the main Avengers stable, Marvel have once more dipped deep into the barrel of lesser known and obscure characters to further their domination of multiplexes for summers to come with Ant-Man.
Turbo Review

Turbo could be the name of the next Vin Diesel, adrenaline fuelled muscle bound action extravaganza. It’s not, and that’s no bad thing.
Gangster Squad Review

Tommy guns and dashing apparel? Check. Damsels in distress and macho men coming to their rescue? Check. Sean Penn doing a ridiculously over the top caricature of a 1940’s mobster, it’s all here in the beautiful but empty Gangster Squad.
End Of Watch Review

Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, David Ayer’s End Of Watch is a buddy cop movie with a difference (i.e. it’s rather good).