Everybody Has A Plan Review

Viggo Mortensen, pretty much my idea of the ultimate male, gives a different spin to this notion with his twin role in Ana Piterbarg’s Everybody Has A Plan.
LIMBO Review

From those creative minds behind Cantina comes LIMBO, a devilish new show that may just leave you with a new favourite Holliday.
The Hangover Part III Review

So the wolfpack’s adventures finally come to an end in The Hangover Part III, but there’s only one leader of the pack as far as this lone wolf’s concerned.
Heather Holliday Interview

LIMBO is the new show from the creative minds behind last year’s smash cabaret success Cantina, and Soundbite Culture grabbed some time with one of the show’s leading lights in the delectable shape of the sword swallowing Heather Holliday.
Django Unchained Blu-ray Review

Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained is finally let off its home entertainment leash this week, so all you slave owning folk better watch out.