Babyteeth Blu-ray Review

What happens if you throw adolescent romance, family disharmony and terminal illness together and give it a bit of a shake? The answer lies in Shannon Murphy’s debut feature, Babyteeth.
Greed Review

I believe it was a certain Mr Gecko who once said, greed is good. Not in Michael Winterbottom’s new Steve Coogan film Greed.
Two Popes Review

Do not be deceived by The Two Popes; on first appearances it would seem that a film inspired by real-life events surrounding the most recent papal transition might not be your traditional, light-hearted, date night fare. But you’d be wrong.
Knives Out Review

I always get a little nervous when it comes to ensemble murder mysteries, but my apprehension in approaching Rian Johnson’s new film, Knives Out, was unfounded.
Judy & Punch Review

In Mirrah Foulkes’ Judy & Punch, we get a feature-length adaptation of the show and associated folklore, and the unsettling feeling pervades throughout.
Dating back to the seventeenth century, Punch & Judy shows remain one of the most unsettling forms of children’s entertainment today