Judy & Punch Review

In Mirrah Foulkes’ Judy & Punch, we get a feature-length adaptation of the show and associated folklore, and the unsettling feeling pervades throughout.
Dating back to the seventeenth century, Punch & Judy shows remain one of the most unsettling forms of children’s entertainment today
Alice Through The Looking Glass Review

I’ve never been much of a fan of Alice in Wonderland, and Tim Burton’s big budget adaptation did little to sway me from the contrived ‘madness’ of it all. So I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Alice through the Looking Glass.
The Double Review

From the brilliantly offbeat mind of director Richard Ayoade comes the offbeat brilliance of his new film The Double.
Only Lovers Left Alive Review

Jim Jarmusch turns his cinematic eye to vampires and ridiculously cool music in his new film Only Lovers Left Alive.
Stoker Review

Cult South Korean auteur Park Chan-wook swaps old boys for odd ones in his striking new film Stoker.